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Charging Port Repair - Fone Teknician

Phone Charging Port Repair and Replacement in Sydney

If you’ve got a loose charging port that needs fixing, it’s a good idea to get a professional phone technician on the case as soon as possible.  

Otherwise, what’s the use of a high-end smartphone that’s loaded with amazing features if you can’t charge it to full capacity? Nothing, right? If you think you can’t make time for a trip to the repair shop, don’t worry! Because you really don’t have to.

Fone Teknician will come to your place of convenience in Sydney and fix your phone’s charging port right there and then.

Here’s What You Need To Know About our Charging Port Repairs and Replacements

How much does iPhone or Samsung charging port repair cost?

The cost to repair your phone’s charging port starts at $79. However, the price of repairing the charging port of your iPhone or Samsung phone will depend on how damaged the port is. In some instances the port might only need to be cleaned, and in some cases, it might need to be replaced entirely.


Another factor that influences the price is the type of charging port compatible with your smartphone. While Apple only uses their proprietary lightning port, Samsung and other Android phones use different types, from USB-Type A to USB-Type B and USB-C.


Newer phones mostly use USB-C charging ports now, however, older Samsung phones still have the older charging port types. Try filling out our Instant Quote Form here to check our estimated price.

How do you fix a malfunctioning charging port?

If a phone is not charging no matter what charger or outlet you use, your phone’s charging port is likely to be the issue. However, it doesn’t always mean that the port is faulty.  


Sometimes, accumulated dirt inside the port affects the charging capacity of your phone so it must be cleaned as thoroughly as possible.


However, if the port is already loose, or fixed but doesn’t pick up any electricity, then replacing the port is the best course of action.


Charging port replacements require us to open up your phone and replace the charging port itself.


There are times that we discover that the charging port is not the problem after all. Sometimes, we find out that the problem is the battery itself.


We might advise you to replace that immediately, which will have a different cost for the battery replacement and labour. Before we perform any repair on your phone, we will advise you of the best possible practice to ensure your phone is fixed properly.

How long will it take to fix or replace the charging port?

Most of our repair services take less than 30 minutes. If we’re going to repair multiple issues on your phone or fix more than one gadget, that might take longer than that. 

Charging Port Replacement - Fone Teknician
Fone Teknician - Charge Port Replacement
Charging Port Repairs - Fone Teknician

The Secret to Quicker and Easier Charger Port Repair Service

Do you know what has caused your phone to stop charging properly?


We can repair the charging port of your iPhone, iPad or Samsung phone a lot faster and easier with any information you can provide. Whether you’ve accidentally damaged it, or you can recall what occurred leading up to the issue, it can help make the repair faster and easier.


The more we know about the root cause of the problem, the faster we could make an assessment and decide on what to do.


For example, if you’re sure that the reason why your charging port doesn’t work is that something got stuck in it, we know the first place to start. Or if you dropped your phone in water recently then the charging port started acting up, tell us! This way, we’ll know that liquid damage is the main cause of the problem, then act right away.

Why choose Fone Teknician for your iPhone and Samsung repairs?

Charing Port Repair and Replacement - Fone Teknician
fixed anytime - Fone Teknician

You can get your phone fixed anytime, anywhere

Talking to a lot of our past customers, we realised that making time and going out of their way for a phone repair can be a bit of a hassle, given their tight schedules.  


That’s why we eliminated that hassle and offered convenience instead. Wherever you are in Sydney, whether you’re at work, at home, or in a café for a catch-up, we’ll come to you and repair your gadget on the spot.


Just tell us where and when, and we’ll be there!

Friendly Teknicians

We’re your friendly neighbourhood Teknicians

Some repair technicians prefer to be left alone so they can focus on the job at hand and understandably so.


But if you want to stay and watch the whole process of bringing your phone back to life! Feel free to sit in for a masterclass! We’d be happy to answer all your questions about your phone and the repair process.


Who knows, we might even reveal some tricks of the trade that can be helpful to you in the future!

more then 50k repairs

We’ve successfully done more than 50K repairs… and counting

Before we started Fone Teknician, we’ve worked in popular repair shops first, including Apple. So, you could say that we know the ins and outs, and every nook and cranny of the industry.


After thousands of phone and gadget repairs, we can confidently that there’s no iPhone or Samsung Galaxy that we couldn’t fix. Unless, of course, if the phone is not revivable in the first place.


If you need more proof of our skills and experience, check our iOS Certification here.

3 year warranty - Fone Teknician

We offer a 3-year warranty

We’re so confident of our work that we’re ready to offer you a 3-year warranty for the repair labour and the installed replacement part.


Not bad, right? You can claim your warranty anytime here.

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Where We Can Fix Your Mobile Phone’s Charging Port in Sydney

We offer our repair services anywhere that works for you within a 15km radius of the Sydney CBD.


We will come to you, whether it’s your home, your work, or at the local café, and fix your iPhone, iPad, or Samsung Galaxy Smartphone’s camera there and then!


We offer our services in the following areas of Sydney:

Inner City Sydney, Sydney CBD, Eastern Beaches, Inner West & Southwest Sydney, Sydney Harbour, North SydneySouth-East Sydney

To see a full list of the suburbs we provide our mobile phone repair services, click here. If you can’t see your suburb listed, don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Other Phone Issues We Can Fix

Choose Fone Teknician to have your iPhone, iPad and Samsung repaired by a Certified Technician. Our repair services include:

Charging Port & Mic
iPhone Repair Services | Fone Teknician
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